Points of Interests - Lesezeichen für interessante Orte

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  • Nabend zusammen,

    ich hab NovaNav für mich entdeckt und Heute mal an dem Starfarer Wrack, von der Mission, auf Arial getestet. Hab die Route noch nicht getestet...aber sollte funktionieren :D

    Ob der Test erfolgreich ist/war...wird sich zeigen wenn ich es wiederfinden möchte :D

    Lasst doch mal hören... ;) ...Kennt ihr weitere interessante Orte die ihr mit anderen teilen möchtet?

    NovaNav macht es kinderleicht sich die Route dorthin zu merken.

    Und los geht's...

    Arial Starfarer Wrecksite

    • Start within 100 meters of OM6.
    • Turn towards OM4. Fly for 349.5 KM until your distance to OM4 is 357.6 KM.
    • Turn towards OM1, fly for 125.7 KM towards OM1 until your distance to OM1 is 499.7 KM. You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM1 while following the surface.


  • Hurston Caterpillar Wrack

    • Start within 100 meters of OM6.
    • Turn towards OM2. Fly for 764.1 KM until your distance to OM2 is 1254.0 KM.
    • Turn towards OM4, fly for 321.0 KM towards OM4 until your distance to OM4 is 1463.7 KM. You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM4 while following the surface.

    • Start within 100 meters of OM1.
    • Turn towards OM5. Fly for 803.7 KM until your distance to OM5 is 1214.4 KM.
    • Turn towards OM3, fly for 469.2 KM towards OM3 until your distance to OM3 is 1334.0 KM.
    • You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM3 while following the surface.
  • Pfad Stanton >> Crusader >> Orison >> Crusader Showroom >> Terasse
    Erreichbarkeit nur zu Fuß

    Terrasse des Crusader Showroom in Orison. Vom Aufzug kommend an der C2 gerade aus und dann rechts halten. Große Wiesenfläche mit Podest für Redner. Gepflegtes Umfeld (Orison-Style)

    Gegner in der Nähe? Ja, Spieler möglich, jedoch sehr versteckte Lage
    Fraktion Crusader
    Armistice Zone Ja
    Besonderheiten Local Inventory

    • Start within 100 meters of OM1.
    • Turn towards OM5. Fly for 222.0 KM until your distance to OM5 is 242.1 KM.
    • Turn towards OM4, fly for 74.2 KM towards OM4 until your distance to OM4 is 333.2 KM.
    • You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM4 while following the surface.
  • PfadStanton >> Crusader >> Yela >> Jumptown

    Start within 100 meters of OM5. Turn towards OM3. Fly for 224.9 KM until your distance to OM3 is 419.2 KM. Turn towards OM1, fly for 81.5 KM towards OM1 until your distance to OM1 is 487.3 KM. You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM1 while following the surface.

    Gegner in der Nähe?Ja, Spieler möglich
    Achtung: Event-Ort!!!
    Armistice ZoneNein
    BesonderheitenLocal Inventory

  • Höhle nähe Microtech

    • Start within 100 meters of OM1. Turn towards OM5.
    • Fly for 822.3 KM until your distance to OM5 is 1195.8 KM.
    • Turn towards OM3, fly for 456.2 KM towards OM3 until your distance to OM3 is 1338.0 KM.
    • You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM3 while following the surface.
  • Hurston Caterpillar Wrack II

    • Start within 100 meters of OM4.
    • Turn towards OM6. Fly for 962.2 KM until your distance to OM6 is 1055.9 KM.
    • Turn towards OM2, fly for 273.5 KM towards OM2 until your distance to OM2 is 1499.5 KM. You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM2 while following the surface.
  • Starfarer Wrecksite - Microtech

    • Start within 100 meters of OM3.
    • Turn towards OM5. Fly for 939.7 KM until your distance to OM5 is 1078.4 KM.
    • Turn towards OM1, fly for 187.5 KM towards OM1 until your distance to OM1 is 1593.0 KM.
    • You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM1 while following the surface.
  • New Babbage Outpost

    Ein Outpost nur ca 40 km von New Babbage entfernt. Leider ziemlich oft im Schneesturm

    • Start within 100 meters of OM1.
    • Turn towards OM5. Fly for 794.7 KM until your distance to OM5 is 1223.4 KM.
    • Turn towards OM4, fly for 480.5 KM towards OM4 until your distance to OM4 is 1322.7 KM. You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM4 while following the surface.

    Die Wegstrecke von New Babbage:

  • New Babbage Lab

    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da du keine Berechtigung hast, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    Ein Gebäude ca 40 km von New Babbage entfernt. Leider ziemlich oft im Schneesturm. Als Roleplay Location geeignet. KEINE Armistice Zone

    Die Wegstrecke von New Babbage:

  • Daymar Sand Cave

    Das ist ein einfaches Loch innerhalb eines Kraters. Leider habe ich gerade kein Bild verfügbar

    • Start within 100 meters of OM5.
    • Turn towards OM3. Fly for 274.1 KM until your distance to OM3 is 334.0 KM.
    • Turn towards OM2, fly for 61.8 KM towards OM2 until your distance to OM2 is 470.1 KM. You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM2 while following the surface.

    Bonus: Man findet dort die Käferlarven

  • Daymar - 600i Crashsite

    • Start within 100 meters of OM3.
    • Turn towards OM5. Fly for 273.8 KM until your distance to OM5 is 334.3 KM.
    • Turn towards OM1, fly for 67.9 KM towards OM1 until your distance to OM1 is 464.5 KM. You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM1 while following the surface.
  • Lorville Derelict Outpost

    • Start within 100 meters of OM4. Turn towards OM1. Fly for 885.3 KM until your distance to OM1 is 1132.7 KM.
    • Turn towards OM6, fly for 371.6 KM towards OM6 until your distance to OM6 is 1422.6 KM.
    • You will hit the surface, keep your direction towards OM6 while following the surface.

    Bonus: 20 km von Lorville entfernt