Auch im neusten Patch sind die unsichtbaren Asteroiden noch vorhanden:…es/STARC-124398

Issue Council Talk - Fehlerberichte melden & mitwirken
- 🚑 Hilfe
DCDoerek -
13. Januar 2023 um 20:42
Tritt unserem Discord Server bei und lerne Star Citizen auf neue Weise kennen.
Willkommen in der Kantine, Reisender...
Es gibt z.z einen bug der das Spiel instant crashed wenn man mit Vulcan spielt und das Schild des Raumschiffs getroffen wird.
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Einziger workaround ist DX11 -
## Mehrere Schutzzonen in Distributionszentren
Wenn man z.B. eine FPS Mission beendet im "Storehouse" des centers wird der 30min Timer bereits beendet wenn man das Storehouse verlässt. Was dazu führt dass man direkt die "Tresspasing"-Warnung bekommt. Ist man in einer Party kann es sogar dazu führen dass man sofort des "tresspasing" beschuldigt wird und die Wachen anfangen zu schießen.
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on -
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on
## Mehrere Schutzzonen in Distributionszentren
Wenn man z.B. eine FPS Mission beendet im "Storehouse" des centers wird der 30min Timer bereits beendet wenn man das Storehouse verlässt. Was dazu führt dass man direkt die "Tresspasing"-Warnung bekommt. Ist man in einer Party kann es sogar dazu führen dass man sofort des "tresspasing" beschuldigt wird und die Wachen anfangen zu schießen.…es/STARC-109099Der Fehler tritt immer noch in 3.24.2 auf....
Falls jemand dort Contributed hat, denkt daran eure einträge auf die aktuelle Version zu ändern.
<@340817510209159180> dein Hangar Problem:…es/STARC-129908
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Kein Cargogrid auf der Reclaimer und im Frachtaufzug des Hangars
Von <@150426991785410560>
Hab die Polaris recht ausführlich gecheckt, von innen und außen - hab viele kleine bugs gefunden, hauptsächlich polishing.
Glaube viele von denen würden von den meisten Spielern nie reportet werden, würd mich also freuen wenn wir alle davon auf 10 kriegen, damit diese bugs noch gefixt werden 🙂
Ansonsten wird die Polaris wohl für immer und ewig damit leben müssen., wie so viele andere Schiffe auch... Danke ❤️
hangar door clipping bug:Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.combrig LOD error:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.commess hall chairs make character stuck:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris emergency not global:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris elevator is very slow:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris missing light sources:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris low level of detail on roof
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Polaris cargo room light sources disappearing:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris interior light bug:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris stuck in cooling water of engine room:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris s6 main guns no visible projectile:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris main turret causes burning / heavy breathing and kills turret gunner:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris MFD casts model buggy:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comTurret room light bugs:
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris cargo / torpedo elevator cant be send
Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on next.issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.comPolaris doors have no sound when opening:
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Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on -
Lobby Error Code 60030 - nicht ins Spiel laden können
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Issue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on
Flüssigkeiten am absoluten Nullpunkt
⚠️ Warnung:
Den Quantum-Antrieb zu wechseln sorgt dafür, dass auch das Jump Modul ausgebaut wird. Zusammen mit einem Inventars-Bug führt das dazu das ihr sowohl das Modul als auch den alten QD verliertIssue Council - Sign inCreate an account or sign in to Issue Council. Track bugs on and vote on the issues to help the development team identify what to work on -
Ich hoffe ich bin jetzt hier richtig <a:blushfingers:899823232142680074>
SC Bugs - Lets fix our game!